Mission Statement
My mission statement as a teacher is that every student who enters my classroom will be greeted with a warm welcoming environment, and students will be expected to maintain that environment. Students will get along with their peers and engage in cooperative group work throughout the entire school year. I will make sure that I accommodate for all of the learners in my classroom to give my students the very best learning experience possible when in my classroom.
Classroom Rules/Expectations
Class Expectations:
Students will be expected to respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions at all times.
Students will be expected to never put down other students or say “you're wrong”. If students disagree with another student, they will be expected to be polite and state their opinion in a polite manner.
Students will be expected to help their peers by giving them positive guidance and feedback as appropriate.
Students will be expected to help one another. Positive peer interaction is a must in my classroom. Students will give positive feedback to their classmates and give them positive guidance, without putting each other down.
Students will be expected to complete any given assignments on their own with minimal help from others.
As a teacher, I ask that students do all of their homework on their own as much as possible. Giving help to the student is acceptable, but please don’t simply give students the correct answers.
Students will be expected to always try their very best!
I will expect all of my students to try their best, no matter what the situation may be. I understand that my students may be sick or not feeling well, but I still want my students to try the best that they possibly can.